Long-Term Care Services

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Individual and Senior/Group Home Care

When you are no longer able to visit us, Hometown Pharmacy can still offer care. With home delivery and mailing options, we are able to help individuals that are homebound. Our pharmacies also partner with local senior and group homes to provide your medications in simple, easy to use packaging methods. If you or a loved one are no longer able to visit the pharmacy but still want to receive your Hometown pharmacist's care, call them today to see how we can still serve you. We also have a long-term care facility that specializes in this area.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Durable medical equipment is any medical equipment used in the home to aid in a better quality of living. It is a benefit included in most insurances. Examples include mobility aids such as walkers, scooters, canes, crutches and wheelchairs. DME also includes personal care aids such as bath chairs, commodes, dressing aids. If you are in need of DME equipment, visit or call your local Hometown Pharmacy and we will be happy to order it for you.

Medication Packaging

Hometown offers many different medication packaging options such as bubble packaging, med boxes, and more. If you or a loved one have many medications to take throughout the day and week, talk to your pharmacist about packaging options to simplify the process. This includes our Med Sync program that allows all of your prescriptions to be refilled at the same time for your convenience.  

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